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Welcome to Stellaria Rebels & SheBeasts!  >> That's right!
Here are Three Online Programs and Counting...

Right now, Stellaria is offering three online programs for those Rebels out there wanting motivation and inspiration to make a difference! It starts with us, and it starts right here.

First, we have our free 5-day Boundary Expansion & Productivity challenge. This is designed to help you internalize and prioritize those things in your life that you WANT. Not what everyone else wants you to do. Self-care, boundaries, unscheduled time and creativity are all necessary for us, especially these days. Check it out below!

Next, we're offering a 21-day Savvy Storytellers challenge to get you creatives out there... creating! Often times that comes from a deep well within. We need nurturing to make art, in whatever medium you choose. There are a variety of storytelling platforms like dance, writing, aerial, digital, visual, musical, and any other output mode. Let the prompts and instructions in this challenge encourage your personal and creative growth. Challenge below.


NEWEST CHALLENGE! 7 Weeks of 7 Chakras Healing challenge

Chakras are energy spots within the body. It helps our overall health and wellness to make sure that these energy vortexes are clear, strong and healthy. This 7-week challenge will feature one chakra center per week to heal. Accompany this challenge with Stellaria's chakra roll-on oils to enhance the healing experience and get a well-rounded system. 


10-minute Daily Bite-sized Workout challenge

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